Schlagwort: Geld

This is a business were the buyer gets nothing for his money but his memory. What he bought still belongs to the man who sold it. That’s the real magic of the movies!

Mank, 2021

Ich habe lieber mehr Zeit, als mehr Geld.

Selim Özdogan, Es ist so einsam im Sattel, seit das Pferd tot ist, 2009

Money is an idea, and you can’t make the entire world respect your idea.

Randall Munroe, All the Money (via, 2.9.2014

The power of money enables the wealthy few to control the institutions that determine people’s awareness of social realities.

Ken Knabb, The Joy of Revolution, Seite 6, 1997

Trader #1: This is a stock exchange. There’s no money for you to steal!
Bane: Really? Then why are you people here?

Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Rises, 2012 (via quotes4mysel)