Be hard on your own temptation to accept the inequalities that you […] find outrageous. […] Maintain your outrage but sensibly, tactically, so that when the time comes you can invest it in what needs to be done to make our world truly […] just.
Schlagwort: Gerechtigkeit
Yanis Varoufakis, Talking to my daughter about the economy, 2013
There is no hope but us.
There is no mercy but us.
There is no justice. There is just us.
Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man, Seite 273, 2013
Wenn das Gesetz nicht gerecht ist, muss die Gerichtigkeit das Gesetz ignorieren.
Yannick Haenel, Die bleichen Füchse, Seite 127, 2014
Wir wollten Gerechtigkeit und bekamen den Rechtsstaat.
Bärbel Bohley, 1990